Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A blog a mile long...

I am the last man on the internet... so you would assume that I am the first to not know when I don't know I am breaking some computer code. Well excuse me Jeremy Zfinger, I didnt realize your opinion was so important to you.

Here is a link to my Pownce

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

just another test

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This is a test, sorry for those of you who have been waiting for a real post, all I can say is http://genrenation.blogspot.com

Monday, September 12, 2005

nice church, another nice day Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Electronic diarrhea

Don't worry, I wont belong. Just wanted to take this time to do a quick rant about nothing.

Spend too much time hobbying, not enough time working. Too much time focused on pleasing the eyes of man, and not enough time pleasing the eyes of The Father. Worried about everything, yet doing nothing. Scared, lonely, up against the wall...

deep breath (((OOO)))U(((OOO)))*(((OOO)))&(((())))).

That was random and tiresome. I promise I will return, but for now, I leave you with...


Friday, July 22, 2005

Last Man on internet update#8

The internet is only getting cooler and neater. I have now become a member of a collaborate its Ginger Roots and we post pictures one after the other, with each picture having to deal with the other. and can be found @. As far as other things I would like to do, include
signing up for 43 things, and FlickR. But more on those at a later date, write now I got to post the newest shirt on the Nation.

Tah Tah

Monday, July 18, 2005

Last Man on Internet Log #7

I have now been on the internet for a combined total of 14 days, and I have met a couple new freinds strictly electronical. http://interneted.blogspot.com/ and http://mikeybroadie.blogspot.com/ Those are there blogs, I have created a Blog for GenreNation, which is http://genrenation.blogspot.com and have helped my friends get started with there own blogs; http://www.perceptionequalsreality.blogspot.com/ and http://negaland.blogspot.com.

Has my last 14 days been a success? Depends on who is answering, ask my wife, and you would get an imphatic... NO! Ask me and I would tell you, the internet is way cooler than the TV ever will be.

More later,


This is a perfect example, of what Last Man on the Internet is all about. Weird and random things that are... weird and random. Thanks Blogger.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Its been about a week, spending alot of time working on the "other" webpage. Not that I enjoyed myself, not near as much as I am enjoying myself right now, watching Bob Saget on SNL, he is the best. Way to tired to continue, so I leave you with the website of the week.

its: www.scottmccloud.com lots of good reads in there, specially if you like comics.

I think he invented them, or reinvinted them, or something.


Trying to find a handle, working on an identity. Working on alot of things.